Studio in the Works!

Studio in the Works!

Hello to All our Pearl Lovers!

EXCITING NEWS! Drum roll please...

We are M O V I N G our little pearl room into a beautiful studio/showroom in Tequesta, FL. (Pinch me, I know)  If you were to ask me 3 years ago if I ever thought this would happen, never in my wildest dreams. As a lot of you know, Passion drives a person never to give up, and that is exactly the magic behind Sea Lustre.

In a short 8 months we can tripled our wholesale accounts nationwide and desperately needed the extra room to grow. All of the SL Designs will be handcrafted and packaged up in our newly renovated space. We will not have any business hours open to the public, that way we can continue to do what we are good at by designing, and creating the perfect, high quality piece just for you!

However, we do plan on hosting "Open House" style events, to show off our latest & greatest designs. Stay tuned this Fall.

As always you all Rock & couldn't continue this amazing journey with out everyone's love support.

xx Brooke

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